10 Types Of Nouns Used In
The English Language
noun is a word that refers to a person, place, or thing. They address the
"who" or "what" of a sentence.
Different types of nouns
1) Common nouns
are words that refer to undefined or generic people, places, or things
Example: boy, house, cat, girl, foot, country
2) Proper nouns
are words that help to distinguish a specific person, place, or thing.
Example: India, Spain, Sony
3) Singular nouns
are words that refer to only one person, place or thing.
Example: house, cat, girl, banana, mouse, tooth, person
4) Plural nouns
are words that refer to more than one of something
Example regular nouns: cats, girls, countries, bananas
Example regular nouns: mice, teeth, people
5) Concrete nouns
can be perceived through the five senses (see, hear, touch, taste, or smell)
Example: table,
apple, rabbit, ear
6) Abstract nouns
cannot be perceived through the five senses (see, hear, touch, taste, or smell)
Example: love,
creativity, honesty, death
7) Collective nouns
refer to a group that functions as one unit or performs the same action at the
same time.
Example: crowd, committee, cattle
8) Compound nouns
can appear as a single word, multiple words used separately, or words connected
by hyphens.
Example: toothpaste,
ice cream, dry-cleaning
9) Countable nouns
are nouns that can be counted
Example: pen, pencil, orange
10) Uncountable nouns
are nouns that cannot be counted
Example: advice, ink, happiness